Requirement on Fireman Switch

Monday, July 18, 2011 ·
A Fireman’s switch is an electrical isolation switch located within a staircase enclosure to permit the disconnection of electrical power supply to the relevant floor or zone served. In England, it is code that every floor or zone of any floor with a net area exceeding 929 square metres shall be provided with a switch. The switch is of a type similar to the firemen's switch specified in the current edition of Institution of Electrical Engineers Regulations then in force. These switches are most commonly found on retail premises nearby to illuminated neon and LED signage.

What you need to know on Fireman Switch?
  1.  The most important is designer should consult with local authority-fire department on exact requirement before establish design on fireman switch. The requirement may differ between state or country.
  2. Red in Color
  3. The switch should be placed in a conspicuous and accessible location, not more that 2.75m from finish floor level.
  4. The fireman switch should be outside and adjacent to the installation for external installations and i the main entrance of a buildings for interior installations.

Fireman switch shall be clearly labeled as accordance to its purpose/which MSB,DBand Electrical panel to be isolated. Photo below showing how fireman isolate the power supply from fireman switch. One of the manufacturer supply fireman switch is ABB Product.

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